Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday Tib bits

Good morning. It seems like I am up to only being able to blog weekly now instead of daily. I hope things do begin to slow down a bit around here so I can blog more often.
Here's a little run down of what's been going on here since last week.
I traveled last Wednesday 4 hours to my Mother who was having a heart operation. Which was very successful. She has been recovering well,and transfered back to the other hospital (which is only 2 1/2 hours away from us). Yesterday she had another operation on her leg and foot that had 8 blockages. Again she did very well,and has been resting. I spoke with her this morning,and she seems to be doing well. She told me that she had a good nights sleep. Things are finally looking up for her. Thank you all again for your kind thoughts for my Mother.
Friday I bought Jill her movie. "Tangled" and she was excited.

 She invited Jayne and her Liv doll Sophie over for a slumber party with Hayden,and Kate, and even made a tiny invite for them.

They had tons of junk and were happy all Friday night.
Saturday We had yet another major snow storm. (Yes the snow was finally beginning to go away and then this) It was a nice but cool day Sunday so the yard had become very sloppy, slushy, and muddy altogether. (A REAL BIG MESS)
Yesterday and today all that snow is finally going. We reached a high of 8 yesterday and today it is expected to rain a lot with a high of 14. (It is finally feeling like Spring!)
I put on bread this morning as I was right out. We have used a lot of things out of the freezer that I made last fall. Most of the pies,are used up and all of the squares are as well. The last few weeks have been hard on the food in the freezer with frozen casseroles and deserts while I was away and Mr. Mom had to cook.(But that is why it is there.)
Tonight is chicken with dipping sauce and pork fried rice with veggies for Supper.
I tidied up this morning and got most of the laundry done before the weeones were even up. I got everyone where they needed to be.
I am fighting a terrible cold,at the moment. It hit over the weekend and the last 24 hours have been nothing but blowing my nose. I feel better if I keep moving then laying down. I did not sleep to much last night as I coughed and blew my nose. I think I also keep everyone else up as well,although they said not.......
OH YEAH! I forgot it is a new month. Where did March go to? I need to start and get my weeones Easter baskets ready.
Well I must go and get creative yet again. I enjoyed my time I got to spend here this morning, and I want to read a few of my favorite blogs as well.
Take care and I hope you all are enjoying your day.


  1. Snow? Where do you live? Winter can seem never ending sometimes!
    Life is so busy insn't it?

  2. I have been praying for your mom and was wondering how she had been...so am glad for a good update on her condition. I hope she continues on with a full recovery and health. I know you were thankful to have the meals already prepared in the freezer.One never knows when they will be needed. I'm glad the girls liked their movie. I know what you mean about Easter baskets...I have been racking my brain lately trying to decide what I'm gonna get my kiddies. Hope the weather gets better there and that the snow will not come back till winter. I know you all are ready for warm weather! I hope you get better soon too! Have a great day today and try to get some rest and maybe you'll feel much better tomorrow.
    Blessings, Cary Ann

  3. I am so glad that your mom is doing better. I have been praying for her. I can't believe that you got more snow. I know we have a slight chance this week at night, but I hope that we don't get it.

    That is so nice to have those freezer meals for your family to use while you had to be gone.

    Have a great evening with your family. I will be checking your girls blog out soon.

