Just as the title says....it is still freezing out.... -34 was the high yesterday and it went to -40 throughout the night. And we are expecting 2 more days of this weather.
The firewood is getting hit hard. Thank goodness we had extra, and Hubby had cut and brought out some more. He spilt it up small and Justin made 3 piles on the front porch. It is green and froze but when there is a good fire on we fill the stoves and it burns great. We also pile it in under the steps behind the stove and it drys in no time.
So our little home stays very warm and cozy.
Hubby had a terrible time yesterday trying to my jeep running but finally after supper it went. He had to come back home from work at 1 yesterday as the water in the barn froze again..... But he did some modifications ( which we call Jerry rigged) as his name is Jerry. Hehe! And he got it going much better now. After -40 last night it is still running.
I walked to my Moms yesterday and when I was coming back home over the hill. It looked so cute to see all the chimneys puffing smoke out. 2 from the house,1 from Hubby's garage, and a little ones from my old chicken coop, which is now Justin garage. It looked like a little village down in the valley.
As for my fridge. Well they called and said that they were not replacing the fridge now, because the part will be in today and the repair will be out to fix it. Very upsetting on my end!!! Last item item I buy from that store.....
Jill has a Birthday party later this afternoon at a good friend of ours home. We both ate looking forward to going.
I have gathered up all my new seed catalogs and am going to sit by the fire with my cup of tea tonight and browse and start to get my orders ready for the 2014 growing season even though it still is months away. Something about that just warms me up.
Well I better get out to my Moms for the day and I wish you all a warm wonderful weekend.
Your little village sounds so cozy with the smoke coming from all the chimneys. Our heat pump is definitely working over time, and I can see our power bill climbing. I hope your water lines stay unfrozen. I have to tote water to our animals using a big watering can. :) I am going to start keeping an eye out in thrift stores for insulated coveralls in my size. It is hard walking around wearing Quentin's, lol. Seed catalogs have started pouring in here also. We have all started dreaming about what we want to grow.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a wonderful weekend too!
I hope that you warm up soon. We had a heat wave this afternoon when the sun was out and we were up to a high of 34º F. Our firewood has taking a hit as well. Thankfully we have around 30 cords, so we don't have a problem there. We sure love our wood heat.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend with your family.
I loved the way you described your home with all the chimneys. I could almost envision how it looked. I hope your water stays working. Frozen water lines is no fun. We are supposed to get hit hard tomorrow and tomorrow night. Very cold with snow and ice. I love looking at seed books. I got one in the mail yesterday. Stay warm and God bless.