Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blueberries, Beans And Of Course Peas And A Full Moon

My title just about sums up my week. Justin got to go again on Monday blueberry picking with the farmer over the road. He brought home double from the week before. This week we have been busy making jam, pies, blueberry deserts like blueberry buckle and muffins. We made juice and froze all the rest for winter.

At the very same time my kitchen garden decided to go into full swing producing. Peas and green beans hit, then the last few days the yellow beans are over loading. We have snapped and blanched gallons and gallons of beans. We have cleaned out the freezer for them and have stocked it all up again. It is looking wonderful. We canned yellow beans, and we are going to make some mustard beans today. My pantry is starting to look amazing as well with all the winters goodies in there.
The girls cleaned up the rest of the hazelnuts yesterday afternoon before going for a swim. We froze another 8 bags.

It was a record breaking hot day here yesterday hitting 38 degrees and for August that's is hot.
After supper I made another batch of jam, and then the kids and I went to meet Hubby in the field to gather up square bales to take to the mines. We loaded 2 fields and finished at 930 it was dark but the moon was amazing last night. I hope you all had a chance to take a look at it. Full, red, and beautiful.

I just received the most wonderful news this morning. The park where our trailer is ,is owned by our provincal govererment here in our province of New Brunswick. This year the season had been shortened for the park. It opens the long weekend in May which is the15th, and it was to close on the 2nd of Sept. but now they have extended the season till the 29th :)

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Your garden is really producing! Good for you! You will have lots of goodies for the winter. Okay, my turn to ask-what is mustard beans? Sounds interesting. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  2. Hi, Jessica, sounds like you have been so busy! All the stuff you are putting up sounds delicious too! We did notice the full moon this month, and it was beautiful. I am glad you will have a longer camping season. We are hoping to get more camping in this week.
