Wednesday, August 7, 2013

End Of Week In Pictures A Little Late...After A long NO Internet...

Here is my post that i tried so hard to get up and running.

I finally got my window shelf complete and up in my dining room. I think Hubby's and my hard work   Finally paid off.

Oh way to many eggs........ What to do?????
Why you make pickled eggs for the family.

Here's our pickled egg recipe

4 cups of vinegar
1/2 cup of white sugar
2TBSP pickling spice
2tsp. Salt
2 bay leaves
Onion rings made from a large onion cut into rings
Boil all together until dissolved
Let cool and add to hard boiled eggs
Let sit for as long as you can keep your family away from them.

We had a ham cooked in the slow cooker with rice Wednesday night for supper with  potato scallop
And corn
After making sandwiches for the working men in my family, I decided to make Jayne's favourite soup. A big old pot of ham soup. I added fresh mushrooms to it for the first time. ( they needed to be used up, before they became pig sloop )
I think they turned out pretty good.

We had company over Saturday for supper. The girls decided to take Cinnie Belle out for a stroll

Our turkey supper was a hit. We all ate way to much.

I'll be back tomorrow with how this past weekend went. take care.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Jessica! I want to make a window shelf too! I bought a couple of old windows at a thrift store a while back. Maybe I can come up with something.:) When we have more hens and a surplus of eggs, I will have to try your recipe. Your ham soup looks so good. We love mushrooms!! Cinnie Bell looks so calm. We started yesterday getting Willow used to the milking stand. We have gotten a total of of 4 squirts. She already doesn't kick as much. We are thinking of ordering a milking thingy where the milk goes straight into a mason jar. A turkey supper sounds delicious!!

    I hope you are having a wonderful week and enjoy your weekend!

